Given his first pair of shoes as a 9-year-old in Nigeria and taught how to play basketball by missionaries, Manny Ohonme turned a dream into reality, following his inspiration all the way to a college basketball career in the U.S.

Paying it forward, Ohonme founded a global humanitarian organization giving underprivileged children shoes and a message of hope.

And with some help from Buick, his efforts have gained major traction.

In the spirit of basketball’s biggest month, General Motors shared the former college hoopster’s story in its "Faces of GM" blog video and how Buick has helped his cause.

“I’m one of the living, breathing examples that dreams still come true,” he said

Last year, the organization partnered with Buick, which has highlighted Ohonme in its  “Buick Human Highlight Reel” series that recognizes former athletes who have made a difference in their communities. And recently, dozens of the brand’s employees came along to help Ohonme give hundreds of children a new pair of kicks.

“We use shoes as a vehicle to inspire hope and tell children to keep dreaming, to go out and achieve great things,” he said.

“What we’re doing is not just about putting shoes on children, but creating awareness about the need for shoes, about the need for education, about the need for health,” Ohonme added, “and to be able to tell people that we are a passionate company that cares about future generations and the 300 million children that wake up every day with no shoes.”

To watch the full video about Ohonme, click the window below.