Free TARP 2.0 Dealer Tech Seminar on Friday

On Friday, a free seminar under The Car Counselor’s TARP 2.0 Dealer Tech Series will be held at Columbus Fair Auto Auction in Ohio to help industry professionals prepare for the impact of developments in the federal government and more.
Scheduled to start at 9 a.m. EST on Friday, the workshop is presented by Keith Whann, general counsel of the National Independent Automobile Dealers Association and the co-owner and chief executive officer of Columbus Fair Auto Auction. He also serves as “The Car Counselor.”
Whann has met with members of Congress, the Department of Defense and the Federal Trade Commission, among other regulatory bodies, to voice the concerns of auto dealers, organizers said.
“Learn about the latest developments and ask questions of the person who understands the changing regulatory landscape and is helping to shape the administration’s proposal to bring Wall Street reform to Main Street and its effect on you,” officials noted.
“Dealer Tech takes a ‘hands-on’ approach to leveraging technology. We have selected vendors who are subject-matter experts in their field,” they continued.
“Each will introduce their technology to you in a one-to-one learning environment. We will cover everything from social media principles and selling cars online to inventory management and new profit opportunities for your dealership,” organizers added. “Since a Car Counselor’s TARP session would not be complete without you having the opportunity to develop new financing relationships, national, regional and local lenders will also be represented.”
Officials encourage dealers, managers, finance and Internet personnel, regional and local lenders, technology providers and allied industry professionals to attend.
Topics addressed will include:
—Capitol Hill Update: How your business and the industry will be affected.
—Online and Offline Marketing: Sell more cars the right way.
—Web 2.0: Enhance your Internet presence.
—Compliance Solutions: Practical approaches to diminish and eliminate liability.
—Buy-Here, Pay-Here: Successful solutions for today’s changing marketplace.
—Access to Capital: Relationships have never been more important.
Registration begins at 8 a.m. and doors will open at that point. The morning group session runs from 9 a.m. to noon. Then, one-on-one practical application sessions will run from noon to 4 p.m.
Lunch will be provided.
The event is sponsored by the Car Counselor, Auttr, NIADA and Columbus Fair Auto Auction.
For more information, visit