Honda Says U.S. Production Disruptions Will Last Longer Than Initially Expected

In an update on Thursday, Honda announced that it is now anticipating that production disruptions in the U.S. and Canada will go beyond April 15.
The automaker said it is doing everything it can to keep its plants operating without extensive interruptions.
“The vast majority of Honda’s parts and materials are sourced here in North America. However, for global efficiency, a few critical parts continue to be supplied from Japan. Most of Honda’s Japan-based parts suppliers have resumed production,” the automaker stressed.
“Honda is working with the few suppliers that have yet to resume production to re-establish their operations, while also evaluating additional sources for some parts in the supply chain. Teams throughout North America and global Honda continue to work diligently to overcome these temporary parts flow issues. Honda remains committed to doing what it can to minimize the impact on Honda associates, dealers and customers,” management added.
Meanwhile, the company also updated the status of operations in Japan:
—Honda announced that beginning Monday, April 11, limited production of finished automobiles will resume at the Sayama Plant at Saitama Factory (Sayama, Saitama) and the Suzuka Factory (Suzuka, Mie), which will bring all Honda auto plants in Japan back into production. These two manufacturing facilities have been shut down since the earthquake and tsunami struck Japan on March 11.
—Honda also announced that limited production of component parts for North American plants will resume on Monday, April 4, at several Honda plants in Japan. However, since the component situation remains fluid, Honda said production will resume for both automobiles and parts at approximately 50 percent of the original production plan at the outset. The automaker indicated it will carefully manage the situation and manage its operation accordingly.
Finally, the company said, “Honda will continue to make decisions based on the status of the recovery of Japanese society as a whole as well as the supply of parts. There are still many questions relating to the supply of parts manufactured by other suppliers in Japan and shipped directly from suppliers in Japan to Honda’s suppliers in North America.”