With Jonsson Retiring, Saab Automobile Plans President & CEO Search

Late last week, Saab Automobile president and chief executive officer Jan Ake Jonsson revealed when he will retire. Jonsson’s departure from his position with Saab Automobile becomes effective when Spyker Cars N.V.’s general shareholders gather for their annual meeting May 19.
The automaker stressed a search for a Jonsson’s successor has been initiated. Furthermore, Jonsson agreed to assist Saab’s management with a smooth transition to his successor.
Saab indicated Jonsson will remain available until Sept. 1.
Until a successor is appointed, the OEM said Victor Muller will temporarily assume the role of president and CEO in addition to his role as chairman of the board.
“I have been with Saab Automobile for almost my entire career of 40 years, of which almost six years as the head of Saab Automobile,” Jonsson reflected.
“The last three years have of course been very demanding and forced me to focus on one thing only — my work. Now it is time for me to also spend some time on other things that had to stand back for my duties to Saab Automobile,” he continued.
“We have already accomplished so many things that many thought were impossible and I am convinced that Saab Automobile is on the right track towards replacing the entire product portfolio by October 2012 — when the next generation 9-3 will be launched — as well as creating a stand-alone company with a financially sound business model,” Jonsson went on to say.
Meanwhile, Muller insisted that, “Jan Ake has not only been instrumental in Saab Automobile’s survival but also in the transition of Saab into an independent car company.
“I am really sad to see him leave, but understand and respect his rationale,” Muller conceded. “He has had one of the toughest jobs in Sweden in recent years, and I am grateful that he has transferred his knowledge and experience to the managements of Saab Automobile and Spyker Cars N.V.
Muller added, “Jan Ake has led the efforts to create a platform from which Saab will become a strong and independent Swedish car manufacturer.”
Hans Hugenholtz, chairman of Spyker Cars N.V.’s supervisory board, also commented on Jonsson decision, stating, “We owe Jan Ake so much for his relentless efforts to overcome the adversities Saab Automobile encountered in 2008-2010 and has led his dedicated management to performances way beyond the call of duty. We wish him well knowing he will finally have some time to dedicate to those close to him.”