Latest Collection Agency & Law Firm Benchmark Reports Now Available

Through a partnership with Business Valuation Resources, officials from are offering reports that include financial data on more than 1,600 collection agencies and 85 law firms.
The site highlighted this data that had not previously been available about the industry is being generated by BizMiner, a firm that provides tens of thousands of financial and industry market trend reports each year.
The Collection Agency Financial Benchmark report contains data from more than 1,600 collection agencies, across eight size categories with revenues ranging from below $500,000 to $50–$100 million.
The Collection Law Firm Benchmark report contains data from 85 collection law firms, across four size categories with revenues ranging from below $500,000 to $5 million.
The first section of the report provides an overview of the data across all size categories. The second section includes six years of detailed data points (2005 through the second quarter of 2010) for each size category separately. The average for the six years in each size category was used for the overview section.
“The accounts receivable management industry is dominated by small, privately held companies and can be difficult to benchmark because there is little public financial data available,” site officials contend.
“We are excited to bring you this information as we at have made various attempts over the years to collect meaningful financial data for the debt collection industry and know firsthand how challenging that task can be,” site officials insisted.
“This is valuable data that offers agency and law firm executives an important new opportunity to benchmark your organization against your peers and competitors,” they added.
The site went on to note raw data analyzed for BizMiner reports is sourced from an array of the nation’s government and private statistical sources.
In total, BizMiner accesses more than a billion sourced data points from 18 million business operations for each of its twice annual updates covering a three-to-five-year time series.
The Collection Agency Financial Benchmark 2011 report costs $409. The Collection Law Firm Benchmark 2011 report costs $169. Both reports are delivered as a PDF immediately after purchase.
Orders can be placed at (240) 499-3834 or
“A few hundred dollars to know where you stand is money well spent, and can save you far more in the future by ensuring that you ask questions of your management team in areas where you may be off the mark,” site officials concluded.