Marchionne’s Recent Prediction Unfolds as Fiat Increases Chrysler Ownership

What chief executive officer Sergio Marchionne predicted would happen “in a matter of days” came to fruition Tuesday as Chrysler Group announced Fiat’s ownership interest in the company has increased from 25 percent to 30 percent.
Chrysler indicated the increase is the result of the company’s achievement of the second of three performance-related milestones outlined in a recent amendment to its June 10, 2009, operating agreement. Officials said that pact broadened the Chrysler-Fiat partnership and enhances Chrysler’s international market position.
Executives recounted the second milestone required Chrysler to achieve cumulative revenues of more than $1.5 billion attributable to company sales made outside of Canada, Mexico and the United States — what they called NAFTA countries — after June 10, 2009.
The milestone also required the company to enter into the following with Fiat or its affiliates:
—An agreement covering at least 90 percent of Fiat dealers in Brazil for the distribution of one or more company products (including Chrysler Group products rebadged and sold under the brand names of Fiat Group Automobiles).
—An agreement covering at least 90 percent of Fiat dealers in the European Union (EU) for the distribution of one or more company products (including Chrysler Group products rebadged and sold under the brand names of Fiat Group Automobiles), and providing for the pooling of Chrysler and Fiat vehicle fleets in the EU for CO2 emissions ratings.
—An agreement providing for compensation to the company for the use of its technology by Fiat or its affiliates outside of the NAFTA countries.
Various media reports came out Monday that indicated Marchionne believed this additional Fiat interest was imminent. Marchionne said “only a few details need to be worked out and that it’s a matter of days before they’re sorted.”
Officials recapped that ownership interests of Chrysler are as follows:
—UAW VEBA: 59.2 percent.
—Fiat: 30.0 percent.
—U.S. Treasury: 8.6 percent.
—Canadian governments: 2.2 percent.
The company recollected Chrysler reached the first performance event in January with the U.S. production of the fuel efficient Fully Integrated Robotized Engine (FIRE) in Dundee, Mich., thereby increasing Fiat’s ownership from 20 to 25 percent.
Officials noted Fiat has the opportunity to further increase its ownership in Chrysler to 35 percent through an additional performance-related milestone relating to commercial production in the United States of a 40-mile-per-gallon vehicle based on Fiat platform technology.
Also according to executives, Fiat can purchase another 16 percent stake once it has cleared loans from the U.S. and Canadian governments. Marchionne has in the past indicated he expected that to happen this year, but on Monday conceded that could slip into next year depending on when Chrysler is able to repay government loans.
“I don’t know if I’ll do it this year, the intention is there. It depends on if we are able to refinance the debt with the government,” Marchionne explained.