NADA University Unveils New Upgrades, More

McLEAN, Va. -
NADA University said Wednesday that its services are now available for all professionals in the auto business.
Officials also revealed that NADA University has made several upgrades and also brought in a new NADA University partner in 30-year industry veteran Jeff Sacks, who will be a part of the training team.
Looking more specifically at the offerings that NADA University has added, these include:
—Automated enrollment for NADA/ATD members: Each rooftop location for all National Automobile Dealers Association and American Truck Dealers members will receive automatic enrollment in the program. NADA University will mail unique login information to these dealers. The customer service team will later follow up with a call to provide a “personalized walkthrough.”
—Non-member access: With regards professionals who are not members of either NADA or ATD (for example: independent dealers, OEMs, other professionals), they can build their own NADA University account. This will let them take of advantage of the various education and training resources NADA University has to offer.
—Streamlined reporting system. This tool — which includes upgraded testing and tracking functions — lets managers see how their employees are progressing through online courses, workshops and webinars.
—New Course Content Categories. There will be 10 categories of online courses to reflect various dealership aspects, including dealer/executive; management; business office; human resources; legal/regulatory; online presence; sales/leasing/finance; parts; service; and body shop.
“All of these enhancements make it easier and more convenient for anyone in the automotive world — dealers, OEMs and all other industry professionals — to tap into the highest-quality educational and staff training tools available to build business performance and profitability,” said William Underriner, chairman of NADA’s Dealership Operations Committee and a Montana dealer.
Also, officials noted that the NADA University resources provided to NADA and ATD members for free include:
—Six online courses in the Learning Hub plus a discounted member rate on the purchase of additional online courses, workshops, webinars and seminars.
—Driven Management Guides online in the Resource Toolbox for quick and convenient access 24/7 by all your employees.
—MarketINSIGHT mini-webinars, produced monthly and archived in the Resource Toolbox, that can provide valuable industry information.
—NADAPerks monthly e-mails and perks that are archived in the Resource Toolbox for reference whenever you need them.
—A Tattletale Report to enable dealers and managers to track employees’ development progress.
—A Learning Management System platform that enables access to NADA and NADA University Partner training solutions, all in one convenient location.
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