NIADA, Constellation Team Up to Offer BHPH Training

The National Independent Automobile Dealers Association and Constellation Automotive Solutions announced an education and training resources partnership designed for NIADA members.
Constellation plans to provide comprehensive education and training solutions for the Buy-Here, Pay-Here and Lease-Here, Pay-Here dealerships.
These opportunities will include best practices with solutions for maximizing sales, collections and profitability through seminars, online training on NIADA-TV and articles in NIADA publications.
Partnered with NIADA, Constellation will add a Certified DCF Dealer option to NIADA’s Certified Master Dealer Program.
“I was looking to develop a partnership with an entity that has good, experienced trainers that NIADA could use as our BHPH and LHPH training solution,” said Michael Linn, chief executive officer of NIADA.
"It was important to me to offer quality education and training to our members. Constellation Automotive Solutions was the perfect fit for us," Linn continued.
“Their training materials are superb and their trainers, Al Mosher and Don Miller, have extensive knowledge and experience in the Buy-Here, Pay-Here and Lease-Here, Pay-Here industry,” he added.
"NIADA is the leading voice for independent auto dealers in the country,” said Robert Lowenstein, business manager for Constellation. “It is an honor to be able to serve its 20,000 members and help NIADA expand its educational resources for dealers engaged in Dealer Controlled Financing.”