Ontario Dealer Association Adds to Member Benefits

TORONTO, Ontario -
The Used Car Dealers Association of Ontario revealed two new offerings for its members this week.
The association said that UCDA members can now utilize RouteOne’s online consumer credit portal, thus allowing these dealers to send credit applications to a slew of lenders, including the following: Bank of Nova Scotia, TD Financing Services (formerly VFC), RBC Royal Bank, Scotia Dealer Advantage and Ally Financial, among others.
“If a UCDA member has a contractual relationship with one of RouteOne’s financing partners, getting registered with RouteOne is a simple process,” UCDA officials noted.
“For members that do not currently have a financing relationship, RouteOne can assist dealers with that process, as well,” they added.
UCDA said more information by clicking the RouteOne icon at the association’s website. Dealers can also click the icon to see if they are eligible, as well.
Continuing on, the other service UCDA is now providing its members is DRIVE CHECK. Dealers can use this tool to check whether their drivers have valid driver’s licenses.
This can be vital, especially in Ontario, where the government recently revealed a new law regarding licenses.
“Insurance companies warn dealers that they may lose their insurance coverage if a driver is caught driving one of their cars with a suspended or invalid Driver’s License,” UCDA emphasized.
“Now, the Ontario Government has just announced that, if a driver is caught driving under suspension, the vehicle will be impounded for seven days,” officials added.
This “instant response” search is designed to help dealers make sure that shoppers taking test drives and loaner-vehicle customers own a valid license.
“Test drive scams, resulting in stolen vehicles, could be easily eliminated,” officials suggested.
Explaining DRIVE CHECK’s benefits in more detail, UCDA noted that dealers can conduct searches of anywhere from one to five licenses at a time. After the search is conducted, the report indicates which one of the following the driver’s license falls under: “Valid,”“Not Valid,”“Not Found,” or “Valid (Ignition Interlock Required).”
The report costs $3 and can be accessed via www.ucdasearches.com.