OPENLANE’s RDN Subsidiary Aligns with KeyCode Pro to Boost Repossessions

OPENLANE announced subsidiary Recovery Database Network is nearing a partnership with KeyCode Pro to ease the repossession process.
Officials said the partnership is designed to provide a customized user interface that can allow RDN subscribers to order a key code from KeyCode Pro within the RDN software environment.
Through the RDN portal, KeyCode Pro is geared to provide key codes necessary for RDN subscribers to cut keys on a repossessed vehicle. RDN’s integration with KeyCode Pro can streamline the process for recovery agents and offer a more efficient way to conduct day-to-day business.
The company insists this new offering by RDN, a specialized provider of software and data solutions related to the recovery of assets for the automotive finance industry, is intended to be another service aimed at helping make the recovery process quicker and easier.
“The addition of KeyCode Pro to RDN’s suite of recovery industry software and data solutions allows our valued customers to turn a VIN into a key code with the click of a button,” stated Todd Hodnett, director of RDN Services for OPENLANE.
“KeyCode Pro is a reputable company that has served the recovery industry for 15 years and their reliable and professional services is a natural fit for our customers,” Hodnett continued.
KeyCode Pro also can provide RDN users with a number of benefits, including after-hours requests, weekend requests, key blank ordering, automotive lock tech support, key blank information and support for key cutting, key programming or security system issues.
For more information about RDN’s new key code tool, contact RDN at (817) 204-0298, ext. 102.