POADA, CarMark Partners Reveal Video Integration to Help Dealers

Thanks to the integration between EasyCare’s CoVideo service and Carfax, as the part of the companies’ partnership, dealers can now take advantage of an even stronger method of showcasing their used inventory online.
EasyCare — which, along with Carfax, is a partner in both CarMark and the Pre-Owned Automobile Dealers Alliance — explained that Carfax-subscribing dealers who use CoVideo can tap into this integration.
“Upon a consumer inquiring on a used vehicle, dealers will now be able to enhance their response utilizing the personalization of video and now offering additional benefits back to their consumer by allowing a ‘click of a button’ to obtain the Carfax report to the vehicle in question, delivering additional value while keeping that consumer within a ‘controlled’ environment,” explained Mike Delong, CoVideo brand manager.
The enhancement is designed to work as follows:
When a dealer is posting a video link in the “Post Link” pop-up box, he will notice a “VIN FIELD” that has been added to the box.
The dealer can punch in the VIN for a particular vehicle from the store’s inventory, and if the dealer has already run a Carfax report on that specific unit, there will be a Carfax icon that is displayed on the template.
This icon will link the consumer to that specific vehicle’s Carfax report.
Delong explains the tool in more detail in this video.