Polk Unveils New-Vehicle Market Entrance Report

Polk recently expanded its online solution offerings with the launch of the Market Entrance Report. This new report aims to provide detailed information on new vehicles that have entered the market, pushing the idea of enabling customers to make timelier product-planning decisions.
Polk explained this monthly report can be streamlined in several ways based on customer need. The company highlighted this new monthly report is geared to leverage Polk’s new-vehicle registrations in the U.S.
Executives explained the report can offer timely information on vehicle counts and month-over-month volume changes to help component suppliers, retailers and distributors. Furthermore, Polk insists the Market Entrance Report can give customers the ability to compose smarter product planning, production, distribution and inventory decisions with more lead time based on solid data, allowing for faster decision making and increased profitability.
Customers can choose from nearly 20 vehicle attributes, including vehicle introduction month, vehicle type, make, model and body style, to view results in the manner most relevant for their business. Since the Market Entrance Report is available online, a single subscription can allow for timely access by a company or dealership’s entire team.
Polk indicated the Market Entrance Report is available independently or in conjunction with Polk’s National Vehicle Population Profile Online. It’s scheduled to be available within days of the end of each month.
“In today’s environment of increased competition and focus on speed-to-market, making the right product decisions is more important than ever before,” declared Mark Seng, vice president of sales and client services for Polk’s aftermarket and commercial vehicle business.
“This new Market Entrance Report provides customers with a real-time solution that helps minimize mistakes and maximize results in their business planning processes,” Seng added.