Quorum Says Carfax Service Link Integration Can Help Dealers Reach More Customers

Dealers using the XSELLERATOR dealership management product from Calgary, Alberta-based Quorum Information Technologies now have a new way to connect with potential customers thanks to integration announced this week between Carfax Service Link and XSELLERATOR.
Here is how the integration between the products benefits dealers. When maintenance or an inventory event occurs at a dealership using XSELLERATOR, it is automatically sent to Carfax and posted on the Vehicle History Report for the respective vehicle.
Then, the Carfax report for the vehicle will include a dealership name and contact information for each record listed. When a shopper buys the vehicle, he or she will see the information of dealers who are “familiar with the vehicle,” which of course gives these stores a broader base of customers with whom to connect.
Dealers using the latest XSELLERATOR product (4.7.1) can tap into this upgrade for free.
“This new integration is a part of our ongoing commitment to bring new value-added functionality to our customers on a regular basis and without additional costs,” shared Dan Ichelson, vice president of operations and development at Quorum.
“We believe that integration with Carfax is an important part of the evolving electronic automotive retail environment that is increasingly part of our customers’ businesses,” he continued.
Carfax vice president Jeff Ranalli added: “Including this information on CARFAX Reports helps vehicles maintain value and keep them in a dealer’s service cycle. Quorum subscribers now can easily put their data to work to reach millions of potential customers using Carfax.”