AIADA Reveals Date for Annual International Auto Industry Summit

The American International Automobile Dealers Association set the date for its annual International Auto Industry Summit in Washington, D.C., the time when it will also name the 2011 recipient of the Dealers Making an Impact Grassroots Advocacy Award.
This year’s event themed “Engaged and in Gear,” is scheduled for May 25 and 26. AIADA indicated the summit will include a panel of leading manufacturers to take dealers’ questions and speakers from both Congress and the industry.
“AIADA hosts the International Auto Industry Summit in order to help dealers connect with the legislative process,” association officials stressed.
“Held every spring in our nation’s capital, the summit is attended by dealers, manufactures, legislators and industry insiders seeking to share strategies and learn about the pressing issues affecting the international auto industry in America,” they added. “It is also an opportunity for participants to reach out to members of Congress as a unified front through specially arranged meetings on Capitol Hill.”
At last year’s event, AIADA gave its Dealers Making an Impact Grassroots Advocacy Award to Paul Atkinson of Bryan, Texas. The association reiterated the honor recognizes the member of AIADA’s grassroots initiative — the Legislative Action Network — who exhibits dedication in advocating the organization’s mission to members of Congress.
Registration for this year’s summit can be completed at this website.