Carvana expands its Southern California presence

Photo courtesy of Carvana.
In announcing two California expansions on Tuesday and Thursday, Carvana says it is addressing growing demand for the company’s products in Los Angeles and surrounding areas.
The company unveiled its newest car vending machine in the Westminster area of Los Angeles and also launched as-soon-as-next-day vehicle delivery to residents of Oxnard, Calif.
Carvana’s latest vending machine in Westminster stands eight stories high and holds 30 vehicles.
The Westminster car vending machine is located at 13950 Springdale St. and is open Monday through Saturday from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Pacific time. For all Carvana customers, vehicle pickup at any of the vending machines is free.
The Los Angeles car vending machine joins others in cities across Texas, Tennessee, Florida, North Carolina, Maryland, Arizona, Ohio, Missouri, Indiana, Pennsylvania and Illinois.
Carvana launched as-soon-as-next-day vehicle delivery in the Los Angeles area in 2017.
“As residents have continued to welcome the transparency and ease that comes with the new way to buy a car, adding our signature car vending machine experience in the area allows us to address the growing demand we’re seeing here in Los Angeles,” Carvana founder and chief executive officer Ernie Garcia said in a news release.
With the Oxnard news, Carvana now offers as-soon-as-next-day vehicle delivery in 138 cities across the United States.
“As demand increases for an easy, transparent car buying experience, we’re confident that Oxnard area residents will appreciate our presence in the market,” Garcia said.