Montreal Dealers Association Now Provides NADA Courses in French

MONTREAL, Quebec -
The Montreal Automobile Dealers Corp. has teamed up with NADA University — the U.S.-based National Automobile Dealers Association’s education arm — to bring its members a NADA training program.
The four courses will be based on NADA’s Dealer Academy curriculum. The first is scheduled for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday in Montreal. All spots for the debut class have already filled up.
The lessons are geared toward owners/dealers and upper-level management, as well as other staff members who will assume leadership positions in the future.
Officials noted that Quebec has boasted more than 60 graduates of NADA’s full 11-month academy in the last four years. NADA only hosts the full academy at is McLean, Va., headquarters, just outside of Washington, D.C.
“It took three years of planning and preparation for the MADC to succeed in offering this exceptional training to Quebec members,” stated Diane Bélair, MADC executive vice president.
“We’re proud that we can offer this up-to-the-minute vital educational experience to all dealer-members of the regional corporations affiliated with the Corporation des concessionnaires d’automobiles du Québec,” she added.
The courses are being taught in French, which has not happened before, Bélair noted. She also pointed out that through adjustments to the program, Quebec laws and regulations have been accounted for, thus “allowing all Quebec dealer-members to take advantage of this invaluable educational opportunity closer to home.”
The Programme de perfectionnement CCAM-NADA “will prepare all who attend with the latest techniques and the best ways to meet and surpass customer expectations,” Bélair further explained.
John Lyboldt, NADA’s vice president for dealer operations, said the courses can “’help all dealers maintain a smooth-running and profitable dealership in parts, service and vehicle sales operations.”
He continued: “Since its inception, the NADA Dealer Academy has provided thousands of American dealers literally the best training in the best practices there are to grow their business.”
The organization is “proud of our partnership with the MADC, since it allows so many dealers access to elements of our program locally and in their own language,” Lyboldt added.