NADA University Offers Members Six New Free Online Courses

Members of either the National Automobile Dealers Association or American Truck Dealers now can access six new online courses available through NADA University’s Learning Hub.
These interactive training courses touch on critical dealer topics such as cash reporting and management, complying with federal hazardous materials rules, and how to create a more productive workplace.
NADA and ATD offered more details about each of the six new programs:
—Officials explained that the “The Buck Stops Here" course delves into cash reporting and money laundering rules and compliance requirements for dealerships and employees. It discusses what money laundering is and dealers’ responsibility to stop any attempt to launder money. The course also explains cash reporting, including the government’s definition of “cash,” reportable transactions, reporting requirements, and IRS Form 8300.
The association stressed that this course is recommended for dealers, sales and F&I personnel, chief financial officers and accounting staff and managers. Officials also recommended that body shop and service personnel should also attend.
—NADA and ATD described “Cash Management for Heavy Truck Dealerships” as a presentation featuring the basic tools for measuring and predicting cash flow, including the cash flow statement and easy-to-use measurement tools that illustrate cash flow for the entire business and each department. They said attendees can learn about economic profit/absorption and what that means. They will be taught to forecast cash flow and they can also learn how to identify frozen capital and its cost.
—Officials noted “Complying with the HAPs Rule” consists of an Environmental Protecting Agency training video starring NASCAR driver Jeff Gordon. They pointed out the course explains the National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Pollutants (HAPs) rule and its requirements with which dealership body shops must comply.
NADA and ATD recounted that the HAPs rule is designed to reduce emissions of hazardous material from body shops.
—In explaining, “An Ounce of Prevention: Dealership Safety and OSHA Compliance,” officials shared that this course is meant to explore many of the safety concerns in a typical dealership, taking the attendee on a walk-though of a typical dealership with a risk consultant, a dealer and a safety coordinator.
NADA and ATD emphasized this course can identify potential safety hazards and ways to prevent in all areas of the dealership as many of the top OSHA violations are covered. They added this section may also be used as a safety orientation for employees.
—Another hot topic covered in the new courses is covered in depth during “Red Flags: Stopping Identity Thieves Before They Strike.” Officials content this course can help dealers and managers understand and comply with the federal Red Flags Rule. It also can help them protect themselves and their dealerships from identity thieves and related fraud and theft.
The association noted that the course provides a thorough explanation of the Red Flags Rule, as well as samples, worksheets and templates to assist in developing an identity theft prevention program as required by the rule.
—Finally in “Working in Harmony,” this course is a presentation by NADA University preferred partner Cherie Carter-Scott, of Motivation Management Service Institute. Officials explained this course is a complete how-to on creating a diverse and respectful workplace.
Among other topics, NADA and ATD said the offering can teach a fostering, inclusive workplace, identifying discrimination, appreciating cultural differences and developing diversity competence.
Officials also reiterated that NADA University offers additional online courses, Webinars, NADA and ATD convention workshops and on-site and in-market seminars and custom training programs taught by NADA-ATD Academy instructors, Twenty Group consultants and selected industry-leading trainers.
More details are available at