Wall Street Reform, Toyota Bill Continue to Be on NIADA’s Lobbying Radar

Although President Obama signed sweeping financial reform back in July, the National Independent Automobile Dealers Association is still working feverishly in Washington, D.C., to ensure that dealers can navigate through new regulations.
NIADA general counsel Keith Whann is scheduled to gather with staff of the Federal Trade Commission on Nov. 17 to follow up on matters discussed during a Sept. 21 meeting.
NIADA indicated that Whann and his colleagues from Federal Advocates previously had talks with several FTC officials, including the commission’s assistant director James Dolan, the senior attorney for the division of financial practices Carole Reynolds and the assistant director for the division of privacy and identity protection Rebecca Kuehn. The earlier meeting also included Katherine Worthman, an attorney with division of financial practices, and Daniel Hanks, an attorney with the division of marketing practices.
The association emphasized that Whann is leading a discussion of various issues about how the Wall Street Reform Bill will affect dealers. Officials insist NIADA’s lobbying team is answering various questions as to how the auto industry works, including the auction practice itself.
“As reported previously, the new law exempts certain auto retailers from increased oversight with respect to dealer-assisted financing,” NIADA officials explained.
“To get to that result, advocacy activities included numerous meetings, strategy phone conference calls, letters, talking points, legislative alerts, etc,” they continued. "The law does grant increased powers to the FTC regarding dealer oversight. Also, it requires coordination with the Department of Defense to ensure that service members and their families are treated fairly by automobile dealers.”
White House Reform Request
On Sept. 23 and 29, officials said Whann and Federal Advocates were contacted by the White House. They’re still trying to organize and schedule a meeting to include “people who are working to setup the CFPB (Consumer Financial Protection Bureau).”
The association pointed out this meeting is in response to a letter sent by NIADA to President Obama requesting “the opportunity to work with you to reform our industry in common-sense ways that achieve real safeguards for consumers, that promote accountability and transparency, and that work.”
Relationship with Department of Defense
Regarding the issue that NIADA described as “how to ensure that service members and their families are treated fairly by automobile dealers,” Whann and Federal Advocates also met on Sept. 21 with Frank Emery, who oversees the office of personal finance with the family policy outreach directorate at the Department of Defense.
Whann shared a specific example of how he helped a service member at Fort Bragg, N.C., regarding a vehicle contract. Whann indicated he worked with base JAG officer and others and also talked about his plan for a special program to “teach” dealers on how to deal fairly with service members and their families.
“Emery mentioned a November conference in Denver where Keith would possibly give a presentation,” NIADA leaders offered. “The Department of Defense continues to remain interested in looking for opportunities where Keith could lend his expertise. Details are to be finalized at a later date.”
Update on Senate Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 2010
NIADA said it’s currently reviewing this proposed legislation that could result in Senate floor action either this month or in December.
To review, the association explained that back on June 9 the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation marked up and reported S.3302, what’s been referred to as the “Toyota Bill.”
In earlier drafts of the bill and just prior to markup, officials said language was included in section 310 that would have specified that a dealer may not sell or lease a used passenger motor vehicle (both wholesale and retail) until the dealer first notifies the purchaser or lessee in writing of any recall notices.
NIADA pointed out it has been working primarily through Sen. John Thune, a Republican from South Dakota, his staff including Brenden Plack and the committee staff of Alex Hoehn-Saric and Chris Herndon. Thanks to concern raised by Whann and his proposed suggestion, the association stated that language was included in the final reported version of the bill exempting wholesale transactions from the section’s application.
“While an initial ‘victory,’ the remaining provision is still very troublesome and we continue to advocate on behalf of NIADA’s interest pending further action on the Senate bill and/or on a House companion bill,” association leaders declared.
“The latest Senate draft and the companion House bill (H.R. 5381) are currently being reviewed by NIADA,” they added.
News on Small Business Jobs and Credit Act of 2010
On Sept. 23, NIADA noted the House passed the Senate-passed bill, which includes an increase in the amount that the Small Business Administration’s Dealer Floor Plan Financing program can guarantee.
Officials explained this legislation can permit the SBA to guarantee bank and finance company loans up to $5 million. The Congressional committees believe this bill should help expand dealer access to floorplan lines of credit.
“We worked with Sen. Mary Landrieu’s committee and personal staff in conjunction with others on this,” NIADA officials mentioned. “This bill may be the subject of subsequent meetings with the Hill and the SBA on how the program ‘really works.’"
Liquid Motors Joins NIADA National Member Benefit Partnership Program
In other association news, officials announced this week that Liquid Motors now is a part of the NIADA National Member Benefit Partnership Program to aid the independent dealers with their Internet marketing efforts.
NIADA members can choose among three solutions — platinum, gold and silver. Liquid Motors explained the packages especially geared for independent stores can provide inventory management tools to enhance vehicle information and photos, distribution of inventory to no-cost and paid classified sites, wholesale auction sites and an Internet lead management system.
Furthermore, officials pointed out the pricing analysis application, window sticker application, social media marketing and dealer websites are all available to NIADA members as comprehensive Internet marketing solutions designed to maximize lead generation.
Liquid Motors also emphasized NIADA members can have full access to customer support 365 days a year to complement a knowledgeable account manager who is dedicated to improving store success.
“Whether your dealership is looking for an entry level automotive Internet marketing service, or a totally comprehensive automotive Internet marketing solution, Liquid Motors products and services deliver results,” company officials contend.
John Stremel, strategic sales manager of Liquid Motors, elaborated about important this new relationship with NIADA is.
“We are honored NIADA has asked us to be part of their National Member Benefits Program,” Stremel stated.
“As a part of the program, we are excited to provide independent auto dealers the tools necessary to market vehicles on the Internet competitively and capture more cost effective leads,” he continued.
Scott Lilja, NIADA’s vice president of member services, offered the association’s perspective about the announcement.
“NIADA Member Services is pleased to bring Liquid Motors on board as an NIADA National Member Benefit Partner,” Lilja emphasized.
“Our members more than ever need leading edge, high-impact Internet marketing solutions to help them drive new consumer traffic to their stores, become more relevant in the social media space, and effectively highlight their Internet vehicle inventory leading to new top line growth,” he concluded.