RISC Integrates Re-Pros Repossession Software Suite for Key Code Availability

Recovery Industry Services Co. recently formed a partnership with MBSi Capital Corp., makers of the Re-Pros Repossession Software Suite and the iRepo Solution, to provide a key code solution.
Officials explained Re-Pros or iRepo users will see a button within their assignments that allows them to request the key code from within the software.
“Upon requesting a key code, the process is fast and straightforward thus saving you time, money and the aggravation of using multiple sources,” the company insisted.
“In fact, upon selection the vehicle information within the account auto-populates the fields needed to process the request,” the company went on to say. “It’s truly a few keystrokes and clicks of your mouse to request the code.
“For more information on how to use the key code service please, log into Re-Pros or iRepo and request a code. It’s truly that simple,” the company added.
RISC reiterated that it’s an organization dedicated to providing services and training to the collateral recovery industry. The company described itself as being dedicated to the professional training and certification of collateral recovery specialists and the creator of industry standards for the industry and services.
“One of our specialties is automotive locksmith training, supplies and key codes,” RISC executives emphasized. “The core of our business philosophy is to provide you with the latest and most innovative products, technology and services to enhance your bottom line and to always provide you with the very best service possible no matter which of our products or services you may choose.”
Meanwhile, MBSi restated its position as a provider of technological solutions for both lenders and professional practitioners within the industry.
“With unparalleled technology and a user friendly platform, the Re-Pros Repossession Software Suite gives you the most effective and accurate way to communicate and record assignment data,” officials insisted. “We help you maximize your return on technology investments by freeing up your time, allowing you to create more revenue.”
Furthermore, the iRepo Solution can provide assignment distribution to a lender’s repossession vendor network and can facilitate the management of recovery assignments. With iRepo, lenders can initiate assignments and send and view updates, recoveries and storage information, condition reports, bid sheets, repossession notifications, and much more.
“By utilizing the power of MBSi’s Re-Pros and iRepo platforms, we have streamlined the process of how to obtain an automotive key code,” officials stressed.
More details are available online at www.RiscUS.com.