Ritchie Bros. Financial Services Reveals Financing Provider

As part of a broad range of new services launched at the beginning of last month, Ritchie Bros. Financial Services tapped its financing provider for operations in the United States — going with Direct Capital.
RBFS commenced operations on July 1 and is partnering with leading equipment finance providers in an attempt to bring fast, convenient, no-obligation financing options to Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers customers in the United States and Canada.
Officials recapped that Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers launched several new services for its auction customers, including equipment financing, powertrain service warranties and on-site property and cargo insurance.
They insist Direct Capital is a significant part of the equipment financing program, bringing simple, fast and flexible financing options to Ritchie Bros. customers “right when they need them — before the bidding begins.”
RBFS explained Direct Capital was selected as one of the financing providers because of its customer-centric business model as well as 18 years of expertise in the industries Ritchie Bros. traditionally serves, including construction, transportation, agricultural and material handling.
“Direct Capital’s experience and commitment to the best customer experience is just what our equipment financing program is looking for,” stated Peter Blake, chief executive officer of Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers.
“We look forward to providing our customers with more financing options so they can get the equipment they need for their next project,” Blake continued.
In reacting to the selection, Direct Capital senior vice president John Donohue declared, “Customer focus is a top priority for Ritchie Bros., and that’s a great fit with our unwavering commitment to providing a remarkable finance experience for businesses.
“We look forward to combining our innovative technologies with the infrastructure RBFS has put in place to deliver a highly efficient and successful financing process,” Donohue went on to say. “I am confident that together we will enable more Ritchie Bros. customers to qualify for pre-auction and on-site financing than ever before.”