Session Dedicated to Repossessions Set for CAR Conference

Among the dozen sessions spread over three days during next month’s CAR Conference, one segment is specifically tailored to bring together a panel of credit union remarketers who will discuss daily collection challenges facing credit unions.
The session titled “Repossession Challenges and Solutions” is set to include:
—Joel Bowen, of CalTech Employees Federal Credit Union.
—Mary Hernandez, of Pacific Oaks Federal Credit Union.
—Susan Marshall, of Ventura County Credit Union
—Art Sookazian, of Xceed Federal Credit Union.
Moreover, Mark Rubino, of South Bay Auto Auction, is scheduled to moderate the session that’s scheduled for March 10 at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas.
“These expert panelists will cover such topics as when to repossess, redemption, bankruptcies and various methods of disposing repossessed collateral,” conference organizers highlighted.
More details about the remaining agenda for this year’s CAR Conference can be found at