Overall satisfaction with automotive manufacturer websites has been steadily increasing since 2022, according to J.D. Power’s latest survey.

The 2023 U.S. Manufacturer Website Evaluation Study – Summer showed a customer satisfaction score of 713 (on a 1,000-point scale) in the mass market segment, up five points from the 2023 winter survey and eight points from summer 2022.

The premium segment’s 724 score was an increase of two points from the winter survey and 13 year-over-year.

“Website satisfaction can be volatile and automotive websites are not immune to changing preferences,” J.D. Power director of digital solutions Jon Sundberg said in a news release. “However, manufacturers have shown to be very agile when it comes to website design and ensuring their sites meet modern standards, more so than many other industries, as exemplified through the study data.”

Alfa Romeo’s website was at the top of the rankings, with a score of 755, edging BMW at 749 and Infiniti (745). Ram was No. 1 among mass market manufacturer websites with at 735m followed by GMC (729) and Jeep (728).

The semiannual study that measures customer satisfaction of automotive manufacturer websites during the process of shopping for a new vehicle based on information/content, visual appeal, navigation and speed.

The summer 2023 study surveyed 10,202 new-vehicle shoppers who indicated in April and May that they will be in the market for a new vehicle within the next 24 months.

To download the U.S. Manufacturer Website Evaluation Study, visit www.jdpower.com/business/resource/us-manufacturer-website-evaluation-study.