Kain Automotive Workshop Aims to Help Dealers Improve Online Reputations

Kain Automotive revealed this week it will be holding a two-day workshop designed to share digital marketing and social media tools, tactics and tips to help dealers move more units off their lots.
The internet sales training and digital marketing company aims to offer dealers a way to build a “favorable online reputation,” it noted.
The micro workshop is scheduled for 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., July 20-21 at the Lexington Downtown Arts Center in Lexington, Ky., and will be led by David Kain, president of Kain Automotive, and Brian Hannan, senior director of digital marketing and social media.
“Our success online hinges on how well we leverage digital marketing to equip car buyers with the information they need and to show them the value of buying from us,” said David Kain, president of Kain Automotive.
“As we work to set our stores apart from competitors and connect with Internet shoppers, these channels offer the cost-effective tools we need to accelerate engagement and boost sales,” he noted.
Company officials also noted that the workshop will provide guidance in digital marketing, social media and reputation management. Focus points for the workshop include:
—Dealership websites design and conversion characteristics.
—Search engine maximization.
—Online classifieds effectiveness and return on investment.
—Third-party new-vehicle leads generation and management.
—Unique lead sourcing.
—Free sites and effective management.
—eBay the right way.
—Complete social media orientation.
—Creating a unique user interface on social media sites.
—Facebook ad management.
—YouTube best practices.
—Reputation management from showroom practices to online responses.
—Expanding the dealership brand with effective reputation management.
“We will ‘go live’ to review attendees’ strategy, provide effective conversion guidance and teach proven digital marketing techniques,” Kain said.
“Not only will dealers learn how important it is to have a plan in place, we’ll show them how to lead their market by doing the right things the right way,” he continued.
Online registration for the workshop is available through Eventbrite at kainautomotiveii.eventbrite.com.
Those with questions regarding travel arrangements should contact Trevor Wilson at trevor@kainautomotive.com.