Mobile Tech RX study finds techs want hail damage, comparative pricing tools

Image courtesy of Repair OnDemand.
A study by Repair OnDemand’s Mobile Tech RX looked into the priorities of automotive reconditioning technicians when it comes to digital tools.
The Mobile Tech RX Foundational Research Study surveyed 174 auto-recon service providers, mostly mobile operations and mobile/fixed shop models specializing in paintless dent repair or hail damage repair across the U.S.
The report found hail damage repair features are a top priority, which Mobile Tech RX said indicates the “critical importance of efficient solutions for this specialized service area.”
The techs pinpointed comparative pricing tools, allowing them to see how much a body shop charges for panel replacement, as the most valuable to their operations, followed by photo capture tools with the ability to capture and annotate before/after photos using a pre-labeled, time-stamped photo system, and X-ray access photos – zoomable photos that show panel bracing and access points, aiding technicians in determining accessibility for paintless dent repair and body repairs.
Asked about the software functionalities that matter most to them, the techs cited ease of use, a VIN scanning and vehicle information feature, professional estimates and invoices, and hail damage and pricing tools.
“We are deeply committed to understanding the evolving needs of technicians in the auto reconditioning industry,” Repair OnDemand president Randy Kobat said. “The insights gathered from our Mobile Tech RX Foundational Research Study reaffirm our dedication to empowering technicians with the tools and support they need to thrive in their roles.
“By prioritizing their needs and preferences, we are poised to deliver solutions that drive efficiency, enhance productivity and ultimately elevate the entire auto reconditioning experience.”
More from the study is available here.