SEMA Educational Institute Gets an Upgrade

The Specialty Equipment Market Association recently gave the SEMA Educational Institute eLearning Center an upgrade, giving SEMA members and other professionals in this segment of the auto business the opportunity to tap into more than 200 online business courses.
And for a limited time, visitors can download these classes for free. Once the trial period is complete, non-SEMA members may be charged, however.
SEI’s courses cover such areas as business management, customer service, marketing and sales. Per the enhancement, users can open individual accounts and once they register as eLearners, the system automatically keeps track of all records. Then, they can request transcripts from SEI.
The upgrade also is designed to aid in searching.
“SEI focuses on issues and topics that are most prevalent in the industry,” said education director Jamie Eriksen. “Users are able to tap into the knowledge and expertise of leading professionals simply by visiting the eLearning Center. It’s designed to give participants practical and useful information in an easy and cost-effective format.”
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