Suzuki Utilizes Facebook to Generate Consumer Feedback

American Suzuki Motor Corp. wants to generate some feedback from customers about its lineup and learn more about what consumers like and how the automaker can improve. So, it is turning to Facebook.
There is now a vehicle ratings feature on the company’s Facebook page where Suzuki fans can rate models in the lineup on a five-star scale.
The "Rate Your Suzuki" feature — which is located on the left column of the main screen of the page — also allows Facebook fans to upload comments.
It can be run on most of the top browsers.
“We believe this kind of interactive tool will engage our fans on a whole new level,” stated Jeff Holland, associate director of public relations and social media. “It is an easy way for our customers to tell us what they like about our vehicles, as well as provide information on how we can potentially improve our products.”
SocialCubix designed the rating system, officials noted.
To visit Suzuki’s Facebook page, go here.