TRADER Corp., vAuto Strike Deal to Help Canadian Dealers with Used-Car Management

TRADER Corp., which is based out of Canada, and vAuto revealed a partnership this week that basically will allow Canadian dealers use of vAuto’s Live Market View used-vehicle management tool.
Under the partnership, TRADER Corp. has rolled out TOptimizer, which is modeled after Live Market View. Its features include stocking, appraisal and pricing modules.
Canadian dealers will be able to use TOptimizer to gather real-time insight within the market on used supply, demand and pricing. It is now available to all Canadian dealers.
Officials noted that vAuto’s solutions will serve as a complement to the Dealer Smart Solutions already available from TRADER Corp.
As some may know, the Dealer Smart Solutions integrated online solution aids dealers in advertising inventory to generate traffic as well as improve business efficiency and speed-to-market.
“Our priority has always been to offer best-in-class business solutions that constantly adapt to today’s fast-evolving market,” says Normand Théberge, TRADER Corp.’s vice president of marketing. “Our partnership with vAuto allows our TOptimizer’s sophisticated online modules to help our customers quickly grasp current market conditions and better manage their used car inventory.”
vAuto president Keith Jezek noted: “vAuto is excited to offer Canadian dealers a competitive edge through Live Market View. As car buyers research and compare cars on the Internet, it is essential for dealerships to understand how their inventory compares to the market.
“TOptimizer featuring vAuto will allow Canadian dealers a better decision-making process resulting in increased profit margins,” he added.
Offering some clarity, officials stressed that in Canada — one of TRADER Corp.’s main brands — has no affiliation with vAuto parent company