UCDA Finds Rampant Curbstoning Throughout Ontario

The Used Car Dealers Association of Ontario recently looked to discover how much curbsiding remains a problem in the region. An analysis of online advertisements posted on three popular websites between Aug. 1 and Oct. 21 revealed some astonishing numbers.
UCDA’s search turned up 76,000 ads accounting for more than 48,000 unique vehicles in Ontario. Officials said the “top prize” went to a single individual in Ottawa who advertised 38 vehicles. Meanwhile, a Toronto resident was promoting 24 units.
The association discovered 530 different curbsiders were each advertising three vehicles for sale, while another 2,913 individuals were offering two units apiece.
“All this activity in just 90 days — and this exposes only the cars they ‘advertised,’” UCDA declared.
The association’s analysis stemmed from a review of listings at Kijiji, AutoTrader and Auto Catch. UCDA indicated the majority of the 3,825 total curbsiders used Kijiji’s free listings. In fact, this made up 76 percent of the overall total.
“Finding curbsiders there was like shooting fish in a barrel,” association officials pointed out.
Also as part of the study, officials contacted some of the curbsiders. Oftentimes, they said the curbsider would indicate the vehicle advertised had been sold, but “he had a couple more” available.
UCDA turned over its study findings to the Ontario Motor Vehicle Industry Council as well as the Canada Revenue Agency’s HST Enforcement and Audit Section. UCDA believes OMVIC has strong track record of prosecuting curbsiders, levying a minimum fine of $2,500.
“These studies just show the tip of the curbsiding iceberg,” UCDA officials contend. “Like most legitimate dealers, curbers don’t advertise all of their vehicles, and many don’t advertise at all. So the true total is likely far higher than our results show.
“Our studies only shine a light on those cars that curbsiders advertised,” they continued. “We’d doubt that there’s a member anywhere that doesn’t pass a suspected curber’s house on the route to the dealership."