Carmoza Debuts Special Maintenance, Transport Program for Dealers

In light of the massive migration to warmer parts of the country that often happens this time of year as the weather gets quite chilly in some pockets of the U.S., Carmoza Auto Transport has rolled out a new program where dealers can meet the vehicle service and transportation needs for their customers who may be heading to warmer pastures for the winter.
Basically, through the Dealer Snow Bird Promotion, dealers can provide maintenance services for their customers and then move their vehicles to wherever they may be living for the winter.
“This is a great way for dealers to demonstrate their dedication to customer service by providing vehicle maintenance services as well as auto transport,” explained Jeff Sorg, who is the vice president of strategic partnerships at Carmoza. “It gives them peace of mind that their car’s in good shape for the winter and will get to them on time and safely.”
He continued: “Carmoza’s Snow Bird Promotion allows dealers to attract additional service business while developing greater loyalty and more meaningful, year-round relationships with their customers.”
To utilize the program, dealers simply go to and fill out the appropriate form.
Then, one of the company’s regional representatives will connect with the dealer to verify the services and package price that he wants.
After that, Carmoza then e-mails the offering back. The offering is specifically tailored for the dealer, and its content and messaging is completely up to the dealer, officials noted.
The dealership e-mails that specific deal to customers.