Insurance Auto Auctions Says It Helped to Amend Arkansas Law to Help Buyers

Insurance Auto Auctions, a subsidiary of KAR Auction Services, announced this week that Arkansas House Bill 1496 has passed, meaning lawmakers have repealed requirements for a buyer identification card for the purchase of salvage vehicles.
According to officials, “Under the bill anyone who wants to purchase salvage vehicles may do so. There are no restrictions as to whom salvage vehicles can be sold. This bill was approved by the governor on March 10, 2011, and will take effect in 90 days.”
Tom O’Brien, chief executive officer of IAA, explained, “Insurance Auto Auctions will continue to work with state and federal government to ensure practical legislation that makes good business sense. We anticipate the law will have a positive impact by including more buyers in auctions than ever before. We encourage buyers to participate either in person or online at our Little Rock auction facility, or any of our 159 auction facilities throughout North America.”
IAA officials said they work in concert with state and federal governments to facilitate legislation and regulation to help ensure responsible business conduct and continue the expansion of the market.
Arkansas Bill 1496 was sponsored by Rep. Williams and introduced Feb. 22, 2011.
“With the inception of the National Motor Vehicle Title Information System in 2009, there is more transparency on vehicle registration and information at a national level. However, titling of vehicles as well as licensing of vehicle buyers is still managed at the state level. This means that IAA is well-versed in all state titling laws as well as buyer and seller licensing. We have a dedicated department that manages and houses all buyer information, as well as a thorough buyer registration process,” IAA management said.