Online wholesale used-vehicle marketplace OPENLANE has launched a new sale format that enables sellers to signal they are committed to selling a vehicle to the highest offer that day.

The Absolute Sale feature is designed to increase buyer confidence and visibility, boosting engagement and optimizing seller returns, the company said.

“With just the click of a button, sellers can indicate they are committed to selling a vehicle that same day, and buyers looking to stock their lots can quickly discern who’s ready to deal,” said James Coyle, OPENLANE executive vice president and president of its North American marketplaces, in a news release. “Buyers also save time, knowing if they submit the highest bid, the seller will honor the win and sell the car. It’s easier than ever for buyers to feel confident in their wholesale bidding and buying strategy.

“For sellers, Absolute Sale rapidly and efficiently yields more eyeballs, offers and proceeds. And that velocity generates results. After activating the feature, sellers have seen sale prices increase by an average of $500 — and for vehicles over $20,000, by an average of $1,000.”

Absolute Sale is available on all dealer-consigned vehicles in OPENLANE’s U.S. marketplaces and can be activated by sellers during the sale day. Vehicles launched in Absolute Sale mode indicate the seller will sell to the highest offer received that day, and are featured prominently in a dedicated carousel with a special badge and timer that the company said increase buyer visibility and engagement.

Buyers can also filter for Absolute Sale vehicles, enabling them to more confidently focus their sourcing and negotiating on vehicles that sellers have committed to selling that same day.

“Our customers’ success is our success, and Absolute Sale certainly delivers on that promise,” said senior vice president Shiv Dutt, president of OPENLANE’s U.S. marketplaces. “Like many of our most transformative innovations, Absolute Sale had its genesis in customer conversations focused on understanding how OPENLANE can help ease persistent industry pain points. Everybody wins — buyers know their time negotiating won’t be wasted and sellers can feel confident they’re getting the very best market value.”