Auto Remarketing is recognizing the 2022 Women in Remarketing honorees in the May issue of the magazine, and will be posting Q&As with each of these outstanding leaders on the website.

Next up is Michelle Hutchinson, who is director of strategic accounts at Ship Your Car Now.

Auto Remarketing: What is the top trend you’re watching in remarketing/ wholesale automotive this year?

Michelle Hutchinson: Technology, for the past year, has been in the forefront of the automotive industry like never before. Where companies in the remarketing/wholesale market used to move truckloads of vehicles from point A to point B, the lack of inventory has created space for new companies, with new ideas. We have seen the emergence of new platforms allowing remarketing/wholesale companies to search outside their standard go-to’s. Providing them with more options to buy and sell vehicles. With vehicle prices the highest we’ve seen the need for additional resources is greater than ever. Companies are now pivoting from utilize one source to buy and sell, to many.

AR: How has technology/innovation impacted your specific area of remarketing/wholesale the most?

Hutchinson: More and more business is being conducted outside of the traditional methods of engagement. Where once there was resistance to new innovations and technology within our industry, companies are now starting to embrace these changes and realizing the benefi ts it brings to their business and quality of life. The past two years has really brought to the forefront some extremely amazing companies and products that are revolutionizing our industry.

AR: What piece of career advice would you have for someone new to the industry?

Hutchinson: For someone starting out in our industry, I would start by telling them to learn everything they can. Absorb everything you can from those that have been in this industry longer than you. Never stop learning and growing, and know that every minute you invest in knowledge will pay off in the dividends of success.

Treat everyone you meet with profound respect and kindness, because although they may not seem like an immediate client for you, often times they will know someone and may become your greatest referral source. Always provide top-notch customer service and never be afraid to have the diffi cult conversations. Our business is about building strong relationships. When your clients trust you and know that you come from a place of real integrity, they will make the decision to stay with you even when someone with prettier, shinier offers come at them. Believe in yourself.

AR: What is your proudest moment/accomplishment, career-wise?

Hutchinson: After being in the industry for about 10 years, I made the decision to step away for personal reasons. About a year later, I realized how passionate I am about my business. Therefore, I decide to come back and start over. As I began reaching out to those I had worked with prior to my departure, I was overwhelmed with their excitement to have me back and doing what I do best. Coming back, I figured I would be completely starting from ground zero. Which I was prepared for. But the reality was that after years of developing strong relationships with my clients, they jumped aboard my ship knowing I would be there to take care of their needs. I am so blessed by the relationships I have with those that started out as clients and have ended up become friends. Those relationships are my greatest and proudest accomplishment.