Auto Remarketing is recognizing the 2022 Women in Remarketing honorees in the May issue of the magazine, and will be posting Q&As with each of these outstanding leaders on the website.

Next up is Beth Stewart, who is commercial accounts manager at ADESA Atlanta.

Auto Remarketing: What is the top trend you’re watching in remarketing/ wholesale automotive this year?
Beth Stewart: Used-vehicle values are something that we’re all keeping an eye on — and related, the chip shortage and how and when it resolves. Online purchasing is also another interesting and accelerating trend. Millennials purchase completely diff erently than other generations — they find it completely normal to buy 100% online, even for cars, which previous generations would never think of.

AR: How has technology/innovation impacted your specific area of remarketing/wholesale the most?
ADESA has always focused on innovation and really accelerated how we use technology to enhance our auction operations over the past several years. We now have GPS-enabled vehicle location, virtual check out options, client inventory management tools and shop portal management options that are real game changers for us, dealers and commercial customers.

AR: What piece of career advice would you have for someone new to the industry?
 Buckle up! Be flexible and open-minded. This industry is constantly changing, and you have to be ready for that at any time.

AR: What is your proudest moment/accomplishment, career-wise?
I am most proud of being promoted to commercial accounts manager in 2017. When I started at ADESA Atlanta in 2003, this is the position that I knew that I wanted to be in. I’ve held a variety of positions during my time at ADESA Atlanta and the relationships I built with my customers over the years have set me up for success in my current role. When customers respect and trust what I and the team can do for them, that means more than anything to me.