is-facebook-dead-marketing-consultingWhew! There’s a lot of conversation lately asking “Is Facebook Dead?” A lot of users are unhappy about the continued lack of valuable content in their newsfeeds. Business marketers are troubled over negligible organic reach and how Facebook ads cost more to reach less. What does it all mean for you?

Ignore the hype and look at the facts. Facebook continues to be THE social network where most people spend their time. Their revenue charts seem more like cell phone reception bars – consistently on the rise:


photo: Inside Facebook

It looks like another strong quarter for the remainder of 2014 is in the works. Facebook’s numbers for Q3 continue to not disappoint:

  • $3.2b (yes, billion) in total revenue over 3 months (Q3 2014)
  • Advertising revenue grew 64% year over year
  • 1 billion video views a day in September 2014
  • 8,300 employees, up 40% from Q3 2013
  • 1.5 million total advertisers on Facebook
  • 64% of monthly active users log on every day;
  • 864 million daily active users, up from 829 million in the Q2 of 2014
  • 703 million use Facebook mobile each day (40% growth for the year)
  • 700 million people use Facebook groups every month
  • Price per Facebook ad increased 247% due to higher quality
  • 1.12 billion use Facebook mobile each month, which is up 250 million since last year
  • Mobile is 66% of ad revenue up from 49% during the same time last year

Things are looking insanely good for Facebook for the Q4 and on into 2015.

What plans have you made for leveraging Facebook now that it’s clear that Facebook is not only NOT DEAD but thriving and ready to help your business get more traffic, leads and sales?

Here are 5 reasons to leverage the value of Facebook for your business and stake your claim:

1. Facebook is the largest Social Network.

In traditional advertising, there’s a premium when businesses want to broadcast their messages on the most popular channels. Why? Because that’s where the customers are! Facebook has become the most popular network and that makes it ideal for business marketers.

The only question is how will you deliver your messages appropriately and authentically so that your customers and ideal prospects will want to buy from you and recommend your business to their friends and family?

Awesome content still drives user experience on Facebook. Our clients do two things to facilitate their content strategy:

  • They leverage the expertise of their employees to produce valuable, relevant content that attracts ideal customers.
  • They run smart Facebook ad campaigns that target only those who wish to connect and look forward to your content in their newsfeeds.

2. Facebook Ad performance is outstanding.

There’s no better channel to laser-target your ideal buyers with ads they’re interested in, at the optimal times during their shopping process, without wasting valuable budget to reach those that’ll never buy from you.

While it’s not easy or simple to do on your own, Facebook Ads drive traffic, leads and sales. Facebook Ads can deliver new customers while at the same time engaging your current (repeat) customers.

For the cost of acquisition, Facebook is still one of the cheapest ways companies create new customers. Plus, interaction with existing customers helps build a better relationship with them.

3. Facebook is ideal for driving prospects to your website.

Publish your blog posts on Facebook. Use the “Boost Post” option to let more users see them. Every click brings someone to your website. You accomplish two main marketing goals:

  • You inform would-be buyers of the products and services they’re researching.
  • Search engines notice the clicks from Social sites and reward your site with higher rankings.

4. Facebook is the gateway to Social Customer Service.

Who doesn’t want access to the “boss” when you have a positive or negative experience with a company?  When customers know you’re listening, they feel comfortable buying.

  • 47% of Social Media users have sought customer service via Social channel.
  • 71% of those who receive positive Social care are likely to recommend your brand to others.
  • Only 19% of those who don’t get any response are likely to recommend that brand.

5. Your Facebook page sets up sales as consumers research their next purchase.

78% of people say that a company’s social media posts impact their purchase decision. Just as if you were meeting them in your store, your salespeople can connect and answer questions on Social Media.

Social Selling has become the go-to process for reaching today’s connected buyer. Establishing a Social Selling process inside your operation is key to reaching these connected buyers. How much money are you leaving on the table by not embracing the Social Selling method?

As we move into 2015, Facebook should be an integral part of your marketing and advertising strategies. It can be confusing and at the same time, daunting. Take a serious look at Facebook now because news stories of Facebook’s demise are greatly exaggerated. Is Facebook dead? Not by a long shot.

Author information

Kathi Kruse

Kathi Kruse is an Automotive Social Media Marketing Expert, Blogger, Speaker, Coach, Author and Founder of Kruse Control Inc. Born in the heart of Los Angeles to a family of “car people”, Kathi’s passion for the car business spans a 30-year career managing successful dealerships in Southern California. Kathi is the author of “Automotive Social Business – How to Captivate Your Customers, Sell More Cars & Be Generally Remarkable on Social Media”. Her Kruse Control Blog is the leading Automotive Social Media blog in the US.

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