7 enhancements to Dealer.com shopper experience

Screenshot courtesy of Dealer.com.
It’s even less likely in our current pandemic world that shoppers are walking the lot at your dealership. Dealer.com said it understands that the increase in online car-shopping activity demands an upgraded user experience.
To answer the call, Dealer.com is introducing an all-new search results page experience with strategic new upgrades that improve inventory search, browsing and digital tool usage for Dealer.com clients and their customers.
Site officials highlighted on Monday that Dealer.com’s new search results page (SRP) enhancements help different types of shoppers find the right vehicle faster by guiding them to the critical inventory information they need, and ultimately making it easier for consumers to reach their destination — the vehicle deal page (VDP) — from any device, anywhere.
“Today, nearly every shopper spends time researching cars online with hopes of landing on the perfect VDP, but every customer’s journey is different — from their approach to what device they are using,” said Katie Wilkins, senior director product management at Dealer.com.
“With this in mind, we built the new SRP experience to drive a faster more convenient path to the right vehicle across all device and shopper experiences,” Wilkins continued.
Now, shoppers can make more vehicle comparisons and informed selections sooner in the shopping process — no matter the device they are using. The majority of shoppers — 82% — engage with search results on a dealership’s website, according to an analysis of Dealer.com website platform traffic by Google Analytics.
The features of the new SRP experience are designed to benefit customers and dealers alike, including:
— A free-form inventory search bar provides multiple ways for consumers to shop and select their vehicle of choice.
— Auto-complete suggestions within the search bar guide shoppers to the right vehicles and attributes.
— Mobile-friendly faceted search means fewer clicks for consumers to reach the vehicle information they want.
— Larger inventory photos and a convenient photo carousel allow shoppers to view multiple photos before visiting the VDP, eliminating back and forth and helping them more quickly identify their vehicle preferences.
— Tabbed Content areas, including standard vehicle specifications, OEM and dealership incentives, and stacked pricing make key inventory details organized and accessible.
— Responsive, redesigned listings deliver a more intuitive user experience.
— Flexible list view or grid view design allows consumers to customize their experience.
“What really stood out to us about the new SRPs is that they were created with a mobile first design. They perfectly capture the details the customer is looking for in a clean layout,” said Jeffrey Ramsey, eCommerce Director at Jones Junction.
“Being able to easily scroll through the images from the SRP has created a more valuable VDP visit,” Ramsey continued in a news release. “This has led to more leads and a higher percentage of our traffic converting. After spending the time and money it takes to get a customer to our site, you don’t want to lose them when they’re looking for a vehicle. With the easy to use sort and filter functionality, it allows shoppers to navigate our inventory seamlessly.
“Overall, the new SRPs have improved our customers shopping experience and helped create more sales opportunities for the Jones Junction organization,” Ramsey went on to say.
The launch of the new SRP experience will begin in September and is a no-cost upgrade to all Dealer.com customers.
For more information on the all-new SRP experience, visit Dealer.com/SRP.