Another Repossession and Remarketing Company Joins IARA
Thursday, Oct. 7, 2010, 05:55 AM
Auto Remarketing Staff
The International Automotive Remarketers Alliance recently welcomed another member. Deciding to join the organization is Remarketing of America, a provider of repossession, remarketing and asset recovery services for loan servicing companies, finance companies and insurance companies. Officials noted ROA’s management team is composed of individuals with a total of more than 100 years of financial […] [Read More]
Lexus Chooses DataScan for Pre-Delivery, CPO Compliance
Friday, Oct. 1, 2010, 05:55 AM
Auto Remarketing Staff
Lexus announced it has brought in DataScan Field Services to conduct pre-delivery service and certified pre-owned compliance inspections, with the goal of making sure its dealers across the country are up to speed when it comes to PDS program standards and certified vehicle eligibility. All 228 Lexus stores throughout the nation will have a DataScan field […] [Read More]
Beggs: Are Typical Fall Wholesale Price Conditions Finally Here?
Wednesday, Sep. 29, 2010, 05:58 AM
Nick Zulovich
Black Book’s staff watched the calendar quickly approach October, wondering when typical fall wholesale market conditions would appear. As managing editor Ricky Beggs indicated during his latest “Beggs on the Used Car Market” video report, those conditions might have finally arrived. Last week, Black Book made the most adjustments since the week that ended March […] [Read More]
Remarketers, Dealers Join iRemarketing Panel at NRC
Tuesday, Sep. 28, 2010, 05:59 AM
Auto Remarketing Staff
The Internet continues to grow as an important marketplace for used vehicles for both buyers and sellers. Remarketers and dealers alike are finding new ways to maximize the effectiveness of the online space, and they’ll share those insights with attendees at the 2010 National Remarketing Conference, Nov. 10-12 in San Diego. During the iRemarketing 2010 […] [Read More]
Avis Offers More Lucrative Deal for Dollar Thrifty
Friday, Sep. 24, 2010, 05:59 AM
Auto Remarketing Staff
The saga continues in the battle between two rental-car rivals to acquire Dollar Thrifty Automotive Group. In the latest turn of events, Avis Budget Group announced Thursday the cash portion of its offer to buy Dollar Thrifty has now been boosted by more than $5 a share. The company said it could sweeten the pot even […] [Read More]
Kontos: Higher Used Prices Causing Industry Push Back
Monday, Sep. 20, 2010, 07:58 AM
Nick Zulovich
ADESA Analytical Services believes both consumers and dealers may be “pushing back” on what they view as high used-vehicle prices at the retail and wholesale level. Why? ADESA’s Tom Kontos attributed the likelihood to trends he shared in previous monthly reports, too. “New-vehicle sales may be benefiting from high used-vehicle prices — both from substitution […] [Read More]
Hertz Rent2Buy Adds Four States, Revamps Website
Monday, Sep. 20, 2010, 07:57 AM
Auto Remarketing
Along with some website modifications, the Hertz Rent2Buy program expanded to incorporate four more states late last week, bringing the total number of locations to 22 states nationwide. States that now offer Hertz Rent2Buy are Minnesota, Nevada, Oklahoma and Oregon. The program already was in operation in Alabama, Alaska, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, […] [Read More]
Dates, Location Announced for Auto Remarketing Canada 2011
Friday, Sep. 17, 2010, 04:00 PM
Auto Remarketing
The Auto Remarketing Canada conference is returning to Toronto this spring after calling Montreal home for the last two events, organizers announced this morning, revealing the official dates and location for the 2011 conference. Auto Remarketing Canada 2011 will be held from April 12 to April 14 at the Hyatt Regency Toronto. CarProof is once […] [Read More]
Hertz Plans $300M Senior Note Offering
Friday, Sep. 17, 2010, 05:54 AM
Auto Remarketing
Hertz is planning to roll out a private offering of senior notes totaling $300 million, the proceeds of which may be put toward the acquisition of Dollar Thrifty Automotive Group, it was revealed Thursday. The notes will be due in 2018. Officials said the offering will not be subject to the Securities Act of 1933’s […] [Read More]
NAAA Attendees Probed Black Book Editor for Future Predictions at Conference
Wednesday, Sep. 15, 2010, 03:22 PM
Nick Zulovich
Wherever Black Book managing editor Ricky Beggs turned, attendees at last week's National Auto Auction Association conference wanted to know the same thing. They kept probing Beggs about how the market is doing and what the industry could expect for the rest of the year. For people not in New York at the conference, Beggs […] [Read More]