Women in Remarketing: Tricia Short of Akron Auto Auction
Auto Remarketing is recognizing the 2021 Women in Remarketing honorees in the March issue of the magazine, and will be posting Q&As with each of these outstanding leaders on the website.
Next up is Tricia Short, who is general manager at Akron Auto Auction.
Auto Remarketing: What do you enjoy most about working in the remarketing industry? But, also, what aspect(s) of the business would you change — and how?
Tricia Short: There is never a dull moment! This industry is ever-evolving, it keeps me on my toes and there is always a problem to be solved. I have always enjoyed analytics and working with numbers, so I thrive in that area. Luckily, this industry gives my brain plenty to feed on regularly. I also enjoy the connections and friendships made along the way within my own organization as well as my peers.
AR: What are some improvements that need to be made in the industry from a diversity and inclusion perspective? What are some examples you’ve seen of D&I programs that have worked?
TS: If I could sum this up in one word it would be “AWARENESS.” As an industry and a society, we need to know that we are doing everything in our power to make those around us aware of peaceful and positive thinking. As employers, we need to be sure that our staff knows we support a safe and positive work environment for all members.
Even through everything 2020 has thrown at us, we still managed to find ways to do team-building exercises within departments to bring a good sense of comradery and connection to co-workers. As an industry, taking the “diversity and inclusion pledge” is a good place to start and taking that back to your employees and asking them to take it as well will show them your commitment level. As a leader in my company, I work very hard to bring the employees into the conversation and not talk at them but to them whether it is problem solving, new ideas, or company growth. Listening with your ears and not with your mouth, showing each person they have a voice, and that we are listening, I feel makes us a successful company.
AR: Describe a time when you were either a mentor or a mentee, and how that has shaped your career.
TS: I feel that I was fortunate to mentor several current senior managers in our company. Being a woman in this industry has come a long way over the years. Some of those positions held by woman within our company that I have brought up through the ranks are controller, director of HR/payroll, dealer relations manager and online manager.
I am a firm believer in hard work and leading by example. I started as a block clerk in this business 25 years ago, and over the years I have learned every possible aspect of our company. My parents taught me that as they started at the ground level and worked their way up within their careers to top management positions.
AR: Describe a time in your career where you were challenged and how you overcame that challenge.
TS: I would say a worldwide pandemic has been the hardest obstacle I have faced over the years. I am sure I speak for many of the men and women in this industry that COVID-19 had a drastic impact on the auto remarketing industry. I was able to overcome this challenge because of the amazing team we employ that came together to conform to all the changes being regulated. We had to make some tough decisions during this time, but we did it together and that is what pulled us through the hard times.
AR: What is the top trend/storyline in the remarketing industry that you’re watching this year?
TS: One of the trends I will be watching this year is cars still being the main method of transportation. Over the past couple years, the futurist had been predicting the extinction to some degree of the car owner in that they are just going to take some form of mass transit. The pandemic has shown us that people feel safer in their own car. I look for this to have a very positive impact on our industry.
AR: What is something you would tell your younger self if you could go back to when you started your career in remarketing?
TS: I am very pleased with the life path that I have chosen. I would say follow your heart and be passionate about your choices and commitments. Keep working hard and if you fall pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and get back after it. You make your own way, nothing is given.